Much like Nihlus Kryik, Avitus Rix was recruited into the ranks of the Spectres by Saren Arterius, spending fifteen years among their ranks. They don't do this in Mass Effect though, everybody calls Shepard Commander, but her de facto role is Captain. I'm almost done with all 3 games of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The title "General" doesn't seem to fit the Mass Effect world for me. The decryption mini-game in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition was a small hacking puzzle you had to complete to unlock doors or crates. They have no real authority over Shepard anymore. Ranks are definitely confusing in Mass Effect, and the bumps in rank for these characters in ME3 does not make sense. 1 Background 1.1 Email record 2 Mass Effect: Foundation 3 Mass Effect 3.1 Romance 4 Mass Effect 2 4.1 Romance. Found inside – Page iTraditional Monster Imagery in Manga, Anime and Japanese Cinema builds on the earlier volume Anime and its Roots in Early Japanese Monster Art, that aimed to position contemporary Japanese animation within a wider art historical context by. That must've been a mistake, because it's never mentioned again. The Alliance is the government and military of humanity beyond Sol. Mass Effect - Earth Systems Alliance Military Ranks - Meshing Navy and Army ranks.